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Headmasters Welcome

Mr Philip McCormick 


It is with huge pride and perhaps a little apprehension that I welcome you to our website and, by extension, to the wonderful palace of learning that is Headfort School.

Apprehension? Yes, because of the weight of history and of expectation. Because, for parents considering a Headfort education for their children, this is one of the most significant decisions and choices you will ever make as a parent.

However, that apprehension is more than balanced out by the knowledge that Headfort has an incredibly committed, determined and professional team of teachers and support staff who turn a vision of liberal education into reality, ensuring that children are not treated as empty vessels to be filled with taught knowledge but as wonderful individuals ready to be taken on an individual and collective journey of learning and discovery.

My own journey of learning and discovery, as the new Head of this amazing school, has only just begun: how better to model for the children than to learn the traditions of the school with them, side-by-side? We stand on the shoulders of giants whilst being restlessly energetic to take the school forwards, never resting on our laurels and always challenging ourselves to be even more outstanding in the service of our children and their families.

You might be considering a Headfort education because you have a sense that our ethos, our outdoor space, our simply stunning buildings or our independence-encouraging boarding provision might be right for your children, that it might develop their confidence, their learning and their personal skills in a way few schools can. If that is so, come and see us, so that these images and words are brought to life. Just one word of warning: you will fall in love with Headfort, as my family and I did!

Of course you may be visiting our website as a former pupil or as an interested member of the community. We are very aware of our responsibility as an active member of that community, and to be respectful and mindful of the history of the school, with the affection and great esteem in which so many Old Headfortians hold the school, with cherished memories of years gone by. Please remember that Old Headfortians are at the helm of the board of trustees, steering their alma mater into the future with wind in our collective sails.

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